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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Like, She's Totally Not Gonna Win...Ya Know?

Republicans are so obsessed with Hillary Clinton. It's almost as if they're terrified of her! They've been discussing her, negatively, since...well, since 1991, actually. Pundits, commentators, politicians, et all grab onto any negative polling data, any sound bite and discuss it via satellite, gathered around the round tables, grouped together in 'panels'...gossiping like a bunch of high school girls predicting who'll get voted 'Most Popular' for the senior yearbook. God people! Grow up! Lay off already! Here is something that savvy Democrats know that Republicans don't seem to be aware of yet... Hillary doesn't have a chance in hell of becoming our president in 2008. It just ain't gonna happen folks.

I'll tell ya who I think the GOP should be a little scared of, however... Al Gore. He's still popular amongst Dem's, he's been against the war since it's inception, he can't claim "I voted for it before I voted against it" (his hands are clean!), he was the Veep for eight years for President Clinton who was very popular among Dem's and even some Republican's couldn't help but like him. Gore has been out of the spotlight for quite some time and there is going to be a whole slew of eligible voters in the 18+ age group who don't remember or care enough about "Dangling Chad-Gate". They'll just be fresh off of their history books about how great the economy was during the Clinton/Gore years... those years of peace and prosperity, and who are angry, sad, and bitter about the people they know who've gone and died in Iraq.

So quit with the name calling (yeah, I'm talking to you Joe "What Dead Intern?" Scarborough), retract the claws... you're wasting your time. On second thought, go ahead and focus all your attention on Hillary so that Gore can slip past your radar.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the way you used the word "fear" to describe the GOP reaction to Hilary. It's a normal reaction to the "unknown" or some entity outside of the comfort zone.

However, Miss Tootsie, I don't think Al Gore is the solution. :-)

8:09 AM  
Blogger Tootsie Farklepants said...

Yeah, but didn't you get all "throbby" when he devoured Tipper's face at the 2000 DNC? ;)

3:26 PM  

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