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Friday, February 24, 2006

No Wire Hangers....EVER!!!

That's it ladies. Hand over your uterus, ovaries, and all other necessary reproductive organs to the state now. If you live in South Dakota, when it comes to your right to choose, you are officially the state's bitch. They have control over your body. If you are raped and become pregnant, then your rapist will be the father of your child and could have parental rights...allowing this man who terrorized you to be a part of your life and your childs for the rest of your natural born days. Now there's those Christian family values for ya! Ahhhh... the American dream. Republicans guiding the moral compass. Ain't it grand?

The S.D. House approved the bill today, making it illegal for doctors to perform any abortions, the only exception being that it is needed to save the woman's life. Governor Mike Rounds (a republican... I know, shocking) is quoted as saying, "I've indicated I'm pro-life and I do believe abortion is wrong and that we should do everything we can to save lives. If this bill accomplishes that, then I am inclined to sign the bill into law." Huh! That's funny... there are four inmates on Death Row in South Dakota as I write this AND life without the possibility of parole IS an option in S.D. So much for his claim about "doing everything we can to save lives". Oh the hypocrisy!

On Tuesday (02/21/06) The Supreme Court announced that it will consider the constitutionality of a federal abortion procedure ban. Brace yourselves. This could get ugly.

Prepare yourselves. Rent If These Walls Could Talk. Buy chastity belts for yourselves and your daughters now. Sew your knees together if you have too. Or else you better start saving all those hangers that your dry cleaner so generously presents your freshly starched shirts and slacks on. Somebody might need them.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are the laws governing women who are raped and want to keep the baby in other states? Does the man who raped her have parental rights? Does the fact that she doesn't have the right to abort in South Dakota have any thing to do with parential rights? I don't think this is about the rights as parents. This has to do with having the right to choose whether or not to abort or keep a baby even if you were raped. Don't get me wrong. I think it is the woman's decesion. Not the states. I'm just wondering if your reading to much into this. Is there a law in place now that says you give up the right as a parent (man) if the baby was the product of rape? Does this new bill change that?

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what the laws are even in my state about parental rights. But I was raped by an "acquaintance" -- I won't call that asshole a friend or a "date." He got a lawyer who was trying to make me have the spawn of his seed and he wanted full custody. I had an abortion. South Dakota's governor and its legislature are a bunch of assholes.

Unless you've had your right to choose whether you have sex or NOT with someone taken away from you forceably, then you have no right to tell anyone what to do if they get pregnant.

Please don't tell me "you could have given it up for adoption" there are too many children living in foster homes and who are orphans now. Will every "Pro Life" person go pick up a foster child and adopt them today! No, not quite what you wanted to do? Seems to me if you're Pro Life then you should be Pro adoption and putting your money where your mouth is. Pro lifer? You should then be required to adopt a child. You take care of them, feed them, cloth them, etc. etc. Oh, don't want to do that? Have enough of your own kids because you don't practice "abstinence" enough? I say, put up or shut up.

I hope the Governor of SD is ready to adopt all the children that will now be born and given up for adoption. What kind of life will that be for the children? Oh, and I'm sure the taxpayers will be so happy to pick up the tab for their care. Got a runny nose, need a doctor. Oh, yep, the tax base will pay for it.

Yes, I believe that women should take responsibility up front and the first "choice" should be prevention. Education is also important. But not even allowing it in the case of rape? Those people are sick.

I'll bet that if one of their daughters was raped and became pregnant that their tune would change. But despite how stupid these people are, even I wouldn't wish that on someone they love.

Stupid is as stupid does. Pass me a chocolate Forest.

10:08 PM  
Blogger Tootsie Farklepants said...

To anonymous~

There are laws in many states that state a rapist has no parental rights. The problem is that there are still many states (from what I could find) that haven't addressed the issue, leaving open the possibility of rapists asserting parental rights.

I don't see that S.D. is a state that has addressed this issue.

Steve Marshall~

Right on target about the big picture.

12:08 AM  
Blogger Matt said...

Tourism boycott is on... Steve, you + P have any pull there?

12:40 PM  

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