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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Bush Gone Wild: Cancun 2006

It's spring break dude and, like, our eternal frat boy is, like, ready to totally hit the ultimate vacation hot spot, sans Speedo. How totally awesome is it that his 'meeting' with Mexican President Vicinte Fox just happens to be during spring break in Cancun of all places? That rules! He was positively jovial and perky at a press conference that commenced prior to take off, destination: party town, bro!
Bush spoke for an hour and 29 minutes before the Freedom House, an organization dedicated to the spread of freedom around the world. He was full of wisecracks.

He hasn't been this excited in quite sometime. He was quick with the quips, yukkin' it up...hurling the zingers! Who's your daddy?! What could he be looking forward too that would make him so freakin' happy? Does he anticipate seeing some boobies? Wet t-shirt contests or maybe some girl-on-girl action? Perhaps. That does make most men giddy. Sometimes they're such simple creatures. I'm telling you...the guy never left the frat house. Nothing makes him happier than a whiff of spring break. I wonder if he'll come home with a pierced tongue and a tattoo that simply states "I heart Turd Blossom"? Good times...gooood times.
Bush Gone Wild 2006


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