Take action now to save Darfur

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Quote of the Day

There are times that a public figure will utter a statement, so lame, that it bears repeating (and pointing and laughing). Today's honor, for stating the painfully obvious, goes to none other than our Commander in Chief, GW Bush, whom I imagine will be a frequent front runner (I'm still shaking my head)...drumroll please....

"You've got a pile of stuff here," the president remarked at one point as a small bulldozer shoved a mattress, toys, a cooking pot, several pairs of blue jeans, a single brown shoe and a pair of women's underwear down a nearby street.

Yes. During his tenth photo op to the ravaged region, the above was his observation. Response to Bush: No kidding.

Link to article


Blogger Tootsie Farklepants said...

In all fairness, stating the obvious seems to be about the only thing in which he excels!

Okay, now I'm just laughing at what I wrote.

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an idiot.

8:53 PM  
Blogger Tootsie Farklepants said...

Now you're just stating the obvious ;-)

9:02 PM  

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