What's In a Value?
What is wrong with the religious right? What kind of fucked up sense of values do these people live by? People, American soldiers and Iraqi's alike are getting blown to smithereens, the White House is leaking classified information for political gain, wiretapping without bothering with those pesky warrants, Katrina victims are still suffering, Republican leaders and their associates are being indicted and hauled off to jail one by one...they're literally fucking criminals...and what is it that will get the religious right to the polls this fall? An amendment to the Constitution banning flag burning. Yes, I know the problem of flag burning is rampant these days. Why just last week I was thinking to myself how it is you can't drive down the street and turn a corner without seeing yet another flag on fire! When will someone put a stop to this epidemic? Oh sure, the manufacturers of flags are sitting pretty with the sudden increase in orders, but at what cost? It is destroying the moral fabric (literally) of our country!
GAWD! I could scream at how utterly meaningless that issue is! Their other pressing priority is protecting marriage, of course. Are you just as certain as I am that they aren't talking about banning divorce? Or shooting adulterers on site? No no no... they're still all over keeping homosexuals from enjoying the same benefits we heterosexuals enjoy as married couples. I still haven't figured out just how a homosexual marriage will destroy my own heterosexual one. Maybe it's similar to It's A Wonderful Life, only instead of bells ringing and angels getting their wings, it will be every time a homosexual couple marries a heterosexual marriage explodes. What? Why are you looking at me like that? Well it must be something violent and deadly otherwise the religious right wouldn't be fighting so persistently to keep homosexuals out of our exclusive club.
My question is, and has been, why are these religious organizations enjoying tax exempt status when they have such influence over public policy?
GAWD! I could scream at how utterly meaningless that issue is! Their other pressing priority is protecting marriage, of course. Are you just as certain as I am that they aren't talking about banning divorce? Or shooting adulterers on site? No no no... they're still all over keeping homosexuals from enjoying the same benefits we heterosexuals enjoy as married couples. I still haven't figured out just how a homosexual marriage will destroy my own heterosexual one. Maybe it's similar to It's A Wonderful Life, only instead of bells ringing and angels getting their wings, it will be every time a homosexual couple marries a heterosexual marriage explodes. What? Why are you looking at me like that? Well it must be something violent and deadly otherwise the religious right wouldn't be fighting so persistently to keep homosexuals out of our exclusive club.
My question is, and has been, why are these religious organizations enjoying tax exempt status when they have such influence over public policy?
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