Clueless Coulter Strikes Again
While surfing the net I happened to check out Ann Coulter's website. I see the hate filled darling of the right is still advocating violence. That's good. I probably wouldn't have known what to do with myself if she had suddenly changed her evil ways. She's really all bent out of shape that the former Taliban spokesman turned Yale student hasn't had the snot beat out of him yet; by, white supremacist, skin heads no less.
I also don't know why she looks to Hollywood as her source, but whatever. Anyway, her real problem is with the conservatives. She want's to know where they've misplaced their backbone? Awww...the poor widdle conservatives getting beaten up by the big, bad Democrats; what with their investigations and indictments and what have you. My, my...did those Democrats have the nerve to call you a criminal when you're a, um, a criminal? Awwww....the conservatives hold all the power in the house, senate, and the white house and they're just so misunderstood.
Hey! Ya know what would be scads of fun? Someone, oh, let's say, a journalist (you know, the next time she's on a news program, which is like all the time) should ask her about her voting habits. THAT would be a hoot! I wonder what her answer would be? She's such a hypocrite. Scolding her peers for not standing up to those who accuse them, when she lacks the backbone to do the same.
If you're interested in the Alleged Felonious Voting Adventures in Palm Beach With Ann Coulter, check out the The Brad Blog. It rules!
I also love how she's ruled herself out of what she describes as "patriotic American's", by this statement she makes here:
Considering the label "dangerous psychotic" suits her so well. You may refer to my archives for some of her psychotic quotes, or, outbursts if you will. It could be Tourettes Syndrome, but I think it's more likely a case of Neoconitis. I'm afraid there's no cure.
Ann Coulter Dot Com
Why hasn't the former spokesman for the Taliban matriculating at Yale been beaten even more senseless than he already is? According to Hollywood, this nation is a cauldron of ethnic hatreds positively brimming with violent skinheads. Where are the skinheads when you need them? What does a girl have to do to get an angry, club- and torch-wielding mob on its feet? ~ Coulter
I also don't know why she looks to Hollywood as her source, but whatever. Anyway, her real problem is with the conservatives. She want's to know where they've misplaced their backbone? Awww...the poor widdle conservatives getting beaten up by the big, bad Democrats; what with their investigations and indictments and what have you. My, my...did those Democrats have the nerve to call you a criminal when you're a, um, a criminal? Awwww....the conservatives hold all the power in the house, senate, and the white house and they're just so misunderstood.
Hey! Ya know what would be scads of fun? Someone, oh, let's say, a journalist (you know, the next time she's on a news program, which is like all the time) should ask her about her voting habits. THAT would be a hoot! I wonder what her answer would be? She's such a hypocrite. Scolding her peers for not standing up to those who accuse them, when she lacks the backbone to do the same.
If you're interested in the Alleged Felonious Voting Adventures in Palm Beach With Ann Coulter, check out the The Brad Blog. It rules!
I also love how she's ruled herself out of what she describes as "patriotic American's", by this statement she makes here:
Patriotic Americans don't have to become dangerous psychotics like liberals, but they could at least act like men.
Considering the label "dangerous psychotic" suits her so well. You may refer to my archives for some of her psychotic quotes, or, outbursts if you will. It could be Tourettes Syndrome, but I think it's more likely a case of Neoconitis. I'm afraid there's no cure.
Ann Coulter Dot Com
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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