Throw A Dawg A Bone, Leave A Dawg Alone
According to our homeowner's association newsletter that we recieved this week, there are some serious issues that must be attended too immediately! If these problems aren't resolved, I just don't know what will become of the neighborhood. According to them, there is a severe dog barking issue afoot, and, no one is paying attention to rectifying this problem. It seems that neighborhood dogs are, well, they're barking. I know...I know, what is this world coming to, you ask? Dogs that bark? Say it isn't so! I've lived here for over 9 years, and I've not encountered this anomaly. I've heard the ocassional woof here and there, but nothing worth noting in a newsletter. They go on to state that, if notified, they will send the security patrol to the offending home to witness it first hand. If a strange man approaches my home, guess what will happen? My dog will bark (gasp!), because, well...she's a dog. That's what they do when strangers approach the house.
In addition to the "dogs-that-bark" issue, it seems that because our trash pick up day was switched from Mondays to Fridays, that this is something that has sent the association into a dither. Why? Because, and I quote, "some people don't take their cans back in immediately and they might be left out on the weekend." (shock! horror!)...You see the seriousness of this, don't you? Trash cans! In a neighborhood! Oh goodness.
One last (but surely not least) item on their finger-wagging newsletter, was basketball hoop apparat-i cluttering up the driveways or sidewalks. I know what an eyesore it is for a neighborhood to appear as if families like to play a good old fashioned game of H-O-R-S-E together. Newcomers would definetely get the wrong idea about these families. They PLAY? Together? Often? What is the world coming too? "Oh, God! Not "happy families!", they will cry. "I'll not be buying my home in that family oriented neighborhood anytime soon! That'll show those families!", they'll wail.
Paint your shutters, bring in your garbage cans, lose that basketball hoop, park your car in your garage for heaven's sake...and for the love of God, shut that pooch up already! What do you think this is? Your neighborhood?
In addition to the "dogs-that-bark" issue, it seems that because our trash pick up day was switched from Mondays to Fridays, that this is something that has sent the association into a dither. Why? Because, and I quote, "some people don't take their cans back in immediately and they might be left out on the weekend." (shock! horror!)...You see the seriousness of this, don't you? Trash cans! In a neighborhood! Oh goodness.
One last (but surely not least) item on their finger-wagging newsletter, was basketball hoop apparat-i cluttering up the driveways or sidewalks. I know what an eyesore it is for a neighborhood to appear as if families like to play a good old fashioned game of H-O-R-S-E together. Newcomers would definetely get the wrong idea about these families. They PLAY? Together? Often? What is the world coming too? "Oh, God! Not "happy families!", they will cry. "I'll not be buying my home in that family oriented neighborhood anytime soon! That'll show those families!", they'll wail.
Paint your shutters, bring in your garbage cans, lose that basketball hoop, park your car in your garage for heaven's sake...and for the love of God, shut that pooch up already! What do you think this is? Your neighborhood?
There must be a few people living in your neighborhood who have nothing better to do than complain about such petty issues.
Perhaps they should read your blog and learn about more important issues they could focus their energies on changing? :-)
haha you make me laugh
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