Take action now to save Darfur

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Update Darfur: Grim

The human rights emergency that is taking place in Darfur has not changed since the peace accord was signed. Here is an excerpt from the Save Darfur website.
It's been more than three weeks since a Darfur peace accord was signed, bringing hope for an end to the genocide in Sudan's western territory. Since then the news has been terrible. The two rebel factions that refused to sign the peace deal have continued to snub it. Violence between rebel factions has generated blood-curdling attacks on civilians. Human Rights Watch has reported fresh evidence of atrocities committed by government-backed Janjaweed death squads across the border in Chad. The cash-strapped U.N. World Food Program has been forced to reduce the already meager rations it distributes to 6 million Sudanese, including 3 million in Darfur. And Sudan's government has waffled on the crucial question of whether it will allow in an expanded peacekeeping force, without which violence, hunger and mass death are likely to continue.

Please visit their site (link above or to your right under "Links")to read the article in its entirety.


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