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Saturday, June 24, 2006

Democracy Threatened By Comedy Central

Holy Cow! Now I've seen everything folks! It appears as if Richard Morin (we'll just say Dick Moron for shits and giggles, cause sometimes I have the sense of humor of a ten year old), columnist for the Washington Post, believes that Jon Stewart's Daily Show is an enemy of democracy, as he states here:
This is not funny: Jon Stewart and his hit Comedy Central cable show may be poisoning democracy.

Two political scientists found that young people who watch Stewart's faux news program, "The Daily Show," develop cynical views about politics and politicians that could lead them to just say no to voting.

Oh brother. Let's put this into perspective, shall we? If people are cynical about politics, it's because there is so much to be cynical about. The Daily Show does what regular news programs do not...it manages to drudge up past, and often times contradictory statements made by those in power, and show them together one after the other. It has the huztpa to highlight the gaffs, missteps, and sometimes downright shocking elements the mainstream media tend to leave out because they're oh so sophisticated.

Democracy is being poisoned alright, but it ain't being done by Jon Stewart. It's being done by the very people Jon Stewart points too on his show. He just happens to make an issue out of what the real rabble rousers are doing and saying...and not doing, and saying that they're doing what they're not doing, and not doing what it is that they actually say they are doing. Or something.

What this moron is really saying is that he believes America's youth is so guillable, that it takes its cue from Comedy Central. Better Comedy Central than The O'Reilly Factor or Hannity and Colmes if you ask me. I think they're savvy enough to decipher fact from fiction. The youth, not those at Fox News.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is insane!

Please go to www.enemyofdemocracy.com to register your outrage and support for Jon and The Daily Show!



1:49 PM  

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