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Friday, June 02, 2006

O'Reilly Re-writes History

Kudos to Keith Olbermann for exposing Bill O'Reilly as the lying bastard that he is. O'Reilly got some very important facts backwards regarding American troops in Malmedy during WWII. From the Crooks and Liars site:
Olbermann: The bodies at Malmedy were not found until a month later. There were 84 of them, all, American soldiers. More than half showed gunshot wounds to their heads. Six had received fatal **blows** to the head. Nine were found with their arms still raised **above** their heads.

The fact that O'Reilly got these horrible facts completely backwards -- twice -- offended even his own usually compliant viewers. From his program **Wednesday** night...Wrong answer.

When you're **that** wrong -- when you're defending Nazi War Criminals and pinning their crimes on Americans, and you get **caught** doing so -- **twice** -- you're supposed to say 'I'm sorry, I was wrong'... and then you should shut up for a long time. Instead, Fox **washed** its transcript of O'Reilly's remarks Tuesday -- its website claims O'Reilly said "In **Normandy**..." when in fact he said "In **Malmedy**..."

The rewriting of past reporting -- worthy of Orwell -- has now carried over into such on-line transcription services as Burrell's and Factiva. Whatever did or did not happen **later**, in supposed or actual retribution... the victims at Malmedy, were **Americans**, gunned down while surrendering -- by **Nazis** in 1944 -- and again, Tuesday Night and Wednesday Night -- by a false patriot who would rather be loud than right.

"In Malmedy, as you know" Bill O'Reilly **said** Tuesday night, in some indecipherable attempt to defend the events of Haditha, "U.S. forces captured S.S. forces who had their hands in the air and were unarmed and they shot them dead, you know that. That's on the record. And documented."

The victims at Malmedy in December, 1944... were Americans. **Americans** with their hands in the air. **Americans** who were unarmed. That's on the record. And documented.

And their memory deserves better than Bill O'Reilly.

We **all** do.

Time to step out of your spin zone O'Reilly and drink a couple of glasses of water to wash down that humble pie. You're a miserable man and the fact that Fox News changed its trasncripts to cover his ass just shows what a fraud that "news" channel really is.

Crooks and Liars


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recently stumbled upon your little corner of the internet. Just wanted to let you know that even in a decidedly "red" state there are some who agree with you. Anybody with half a brain can clearly see that O'Reilly and all the other right-wing pundits are the modern day embodiment of Goebbles axiom: tell a lie often enough and people will begin to believe it is the truth. The scary part is how many people don't seem to have half a brain. Love your wit and enthusiasm. Keep up the good work.

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

coolokie -

we all love our little local Tootsie Farklepants - she brings sunshine to our valley

scv voter

3:26 PM  
Blogger Tootsie Farklepants said...

Awww shucks!

8:43 PM  

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