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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Real Slim Katie

Why is an airbrushed, slimmed down photo of Katie Couric the top news story for 2 days now? Is it some kind of secret that magazines use digital technology to make celebrities appear picture perfect? It isn't already known that blemishes are removed, faces are contoured, eyes are brightened up, cleavage is shaded to appear more ample? So they slimmed her down. BFD. It's just a news anchor for Chrissake. It's not as if they used their technology to make the Pope look like he's expecting.

Give us the real news people and skip the gossip. Moving on.

CBS Magazine Slims Down Couric in Photo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say it isn't so. What you see on tv isn't real? How dare they.

6:07 AM  

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