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Monday, January 08, 2007

Shame on the Media

Troop surge. You've heard the president use this term, various politicians...hell, even Nancy Pelosi. Surge. It's vague. It's ambiguous. It's used purposefully. It's more pleasing to John Q. Public's ear. What it is, is intentionally misleading, which I've sadly come to expect from our elected officials, because let's face it...to expect a politician to use direct language is like expecting to honestly find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Not gonna happen folks. Surge. It sounds like "moving forward" and that sounds positive. Surge=INCREASE, and this is exactly what the media should be saying when reporting on the subject. Let the politicians call it whatever the public relations committe deemed acceptable for the day. The media should NOT be parroting the talking points. Period. Troop INCREASE should be in bright bold letters in the chyron generated text on the television under anyone's face who's spouting the word "surge".


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