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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Outrageous Quote of the Day

...Comes from our own Commander in Chief:

"Either we'll succeed, or we won't succeed," he said. "And the definition of success as I described is sectarian violence down. Success is not no violence. ... But success is a level of violence where the people feel comfortable about living their daily lives."

Well no wonder we Iraq war naysayers were baffled by his insistance that success was being made there. That's not the definition of success, sir...that's deliberately misleading.


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Lakadaisical Parents

Note to parents of small children: I'm not interested in keeping an eye on your kids while I try to enjoy time with my own. If you bring your kids to the park (or any other public place for that matter), here's a tip: watch them. While trying to spend happy family time with *my* family this past weekend, cheering on my son and his softball team, I had to play offense with a little "tweener" (not quite a toddler but not yet a preschooler) from hurling water bottles at my daughter. "I made a weapon!" he declared...super. His own mother was peacefully enjoying the game, ocassionally tossing a disinterested "stop that" over her shoulder, which had no effect whatsoever on her little darling. I had to supress the urge to pick him up and shout to his mother "go long" before hurling a hail mary in her direction.

These are the same kids who firmly plant themselves at the base of a slide and declare themselves king (or queen) of the castle, refusing to let others pass. They're the same ones that confiscate my children's toys in the sand box...my daughter came to build a sand castle, she needs her "tools"...bring your own. My daughter would happily share if sharing were something your child were interested in; they're not. Get off your phone, stop chatting with your girlfriend, take a look around once in a while. You're raising little bullies that are going to spend a great deal of time in the principal's office come school time; so don't be surprised when you find yourself there. I'm not your babysitter, nor do I want to be. Do YOUR job!

Rant over.