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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Like, She's Totally Not Gonna Win...Ya Know?

Republicans are so obsessed with Hillary Clinton. It's almost as if they're terrified of her! They've been discussing her, negatively, since...well, since 1991, actually. Pundits, commentators, politicians, et all grab onto any negative polling data, any sound bite and discuss it via satellite, gathered around the round tables, grouped together in 'panels'...gossiping like a bunch of high school girls predicting who'll get voted 'Most Popular' for the senior yearbook. God people! Grow up! Lay off already! Here is something that savvy Democrats know that Republicans don't seem to be aware of yet... Hillary doesn't have a chance in hell of becoming our president in 2008. It just ain't gonna happen folks.

I'll tell ya who I think the GOP should be a little scared of, however... Al Gore. He's still popular amongst Dem's, he's been against the war since it's inception, he can't claim "I voted for it before I voted against it" (his hands are clean!), he was the Veep for eight years for President Clinton who was very popular among Dem's and even some Republican's couldn't help but like him. Gore has been out of the spotlight for quite some time and there is going to be a whole slew of eligible voters in the 18+ age group who don't remember or care enough about "Dangling Chad-Gate". They'll just be fresh off of their history books about how great the economy was during the Clinton/Gore years... those years of peace and prosperity, and who are angry, sad, and bitter about the people they know who've gone and died in Iraq.

So quit with the name calling (yeah, I'm talking to you Joe "What Dead Intern?" Scarborough), retract the claws... you're wasting your time. On second thought, go ahead and focus all your attention on Hillary so that Gore can slip past your radar.


Monday, February 27, 2006

Shhh...Don't Tell Bill O'Reilly

I must have read it wrong. I had to read it again! Fox News actually encouraging the masses to go see Good Night and Good Luck? It surely couldn't be! But there it is in black and white:

George Clooney deserves to win the best director award. The way he tells the story of Edward R. Murrow's plight against Sen. Joseph McCarthy is nothing short of stunning, from the black-and-white film to the amazing editing and artful shots of cigarettes and song.

If you haven't seen it yet, you really should.

Pssst...Mike Straka, don't tell O'Reilly. He might call you a pinhead and you could end up on the 'Most Ridiculous Item of the Day' segment.


Polls and Rumors

Dubya's latest approval ratings are at an all time low according to a new CBS poll, at 34%...

...And I don't like to be one to gossip, but there's a rumor goin' round (Raw Story)that Dick "Don't make me shoot you in the face" Cheney, will retire in 2007 because he has become a political liability for the prez. Jesus! The Prez is a liability to the prez! Whatever.

What does this all mean, you ask? Nothing. It means nothing. We're stuck with GWB until January of 2009, unless he's impeached...which won't happen with the House, Senate, and Supreme Court packed in his favor. So I'm just talkin'.

Trust Me, You Don't Want to See That

What is it with Edwards Valencia Grand Palace 12 (a.k.a. the local theater) and their refusal to show movies with controversial (read political or moral) subject matter? If you wanted to see Brokeback Mountain, Good Night and Good Luck, or even Farenheit 9/11 (not sure if they showed Syriana, I forgot to check) you had to go to Canyon Country for the closest showing....and even they took a while to get the two latter titles up on the big screen. If it is a shortage of film reels (as was used as an excuse for not showing Brokeback Mountain), then why is it that Canyon Country is the one to get the available reels? Why is Edwards Valencia deciding (cough *censoring* cough) for John Q. Public which movies should be seen?

I think there is more to it than that. They certainly had no trouble showing that family oriented, "feel good" movie, Match Point...well, I'm sure it did make one's nether regions "feel good", but not in a moral or virtuous sort of way (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

Kudos to Edwards Canyon Country for having the testicular fortitude in letting the public decide for themselves which movies they'd like to see.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Eat Right, Exercise, and Do You Want Fries With That?

Would you willingly feed your child fast food every night for dinner? Hamburgers, fries, maybe pizza with a soda to wash it all down with? Perhaps a candy bar to top it off? If you're a responsible parent, of course not! It is very possible, and highly likely, that it is exactly what your teenagers are eating for lunch...everyday, at school.

I think it is quite hypocritical for states governors to advocate a healthy lifestyle and at the same time allow public schools to offer fast food such as Carl's Jr., Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell in the school cafeteria. The other culprit, in addition to the high fat, heart- attack- on-a- bun "food" available, is the vending machine where students can get their soda on.

If the crap is available and no one is there to tell them no.... come on, we were all teens once upon a time. You'd eat it! If you were a linebacker you'd probably super size it, and if you were a cheerleader, you threw it up afterwards (wink). ...What's a parent to do?

Don't preach a healthy lifestyle and then dangle the temptation within mouths reach... now that's just plain ol' mean.


Corruption, Torture, and Terrorists...Oh My!

I'm no movie critic...at least not professionally. I don't get paid for it that's for sure. So my opinion is free. Take it for what it's worth!

I know it's been in theaters since December, and thought hubby and I would be the only two people in the audience; although, it was a surprisingly full-ish house...and we had to go into Hollywood where it was playing, but I finally got the chance to see Syriana last night! WOW! If you haven't seen this, you should, and wear your thinking caps because it is a complicated and intricately woven plot. If you blink, cough, or sneeze, you'll miss crucial points. I must have blinked or chewed my popcorn too loudly because there were a couple of things that I felt were unexplained and I can't say for sure that they weren't explained....I need to get the book.

My husband and I discussed it on the ride home, both of us clueing the other into the elements we had questions about, our conversation going something like this:

"Why did he....?"
"Don't you remember the thing with the thing and a thing earlier? That was his motivation."
"Ahhhhh.... oh, yeah."
"But what about what's his name? Why was he important?"
"What?? Without his involvement there would have been no investigation. That was the basis for the corruption and subsequent......"
"Ohhhh...yeah, you're right."

We both agreed that we'd like to read the book, "See No Evil" by Bob Baer...but what we both really want is the movie version, Syriana, but we have to wait for that one.

I thought the movie was excellent, well written, superbly directed, with phenomenal performances by the entire cast. The torture scene with George Clooney is H-A-R-D to watch! For those with weak constitutions, consider yourselves forewarned!

Kudos to Section 8 Productions (Clooney and Steven Soderbergh) for producing movies that subtly prod society into thinking about the events that shape the world around us.

Friday, February 24, 2006

No Wire Hangers....EVER!!!

That's it ladies. Hand over your uterus, ovaries, and all other necessary reproductive organs to the state now. If you live in South Dakota, when it comes to your right to choose, you are officially the state's bitch. They have control over your body. If you are raped and become pregnant, then your rapist will be the father of your child and could have parental rights...allowing this man who terrorized you to be a part of your life and your childs for the rest of your natural born days. Now there's those Christian family values for ya! Ahhhh... the American dream. Republicans guiding the moral compass. Ain't it grand?

The S.D. House approved the bill today, making it illegal for doctors to perform any abortions, the only exception being that it is needed to save the woman's life. Governor Mike Rounds (a republican... I know, shocking) is quoted as saying, "I've indicated I'm pro-life and I do believe abortion is wrong and that we should do everything we can to save lives. If this bill accomplishes that, then I am inclined to sign the bill into law." Huh! That's funny... there are four inmates on Death Row in South Dakota as I write this AND life without the possibility of parole IS an option in S.D. So much for his claim about "doing everything we can to save lives". Oh the hypocrisy!

On Tuesday (02/21/06) The Supreme Court announced that it will consider the constitutionality of a federal abortion procedure ban. Brace yourselves. This could get ugly.

Prepare yourselves. Rent If These Walls Could Talk. Buy chastity belts for yourselves and your daughters now. Sew your knees together if you have too. Or else you better start saving all those hangers that your dry cleaner so generously presents your freshly starched shirts and slacks on. Somebody might need them.



How Nobel

Kudos to Bono and Bob Geldof for their 2006 Nobel Peace Prize nominations! Bono is nominated for his efforts to fight against world poverty and Geldof for organizing the Live 8 benefit concerts of 2005.


For Sale With Ocean View

*Six Major U.S. Ports * Beach Front * Ocean View * Highest Bidder*

You learn something new everyday, I guess. Who knew that it was standard practice for the executive branch of the United States government to sell off portions of the country? I'll be right up front and honest... I don't understand how this works, I don't know how long this has been going on, and I don't understand why it's necessary. I've got some research ahead of me and currently I'm coming up with nothin'. Oh sure, I can find news articles about it that repeat the same talking points... what I'm having trouble finding is actual legislation that allows for this sort of thing to take place. It must exist somewhere, right?

I find it troubling that this took place without Congress's knowledge. Apparently they find it troubling too...and not just the Democrats, this time. What is even more disturbing is that President Bush himself was unaware of the transaction until just days ago, after the puppet masters behind the scene had already dotted their "i's" and crossed their "t's"... at least that's his story. Condi Rice swears it's necessary and not a security risk.... of course, we shouldn't forget that this is the same woman who didn't concern herself one iota with the PDB "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." I'm sure her judgment is sound. (note tongue planted firmly in cheek).

The most ghastly thing of all to have happen, is that I found myself in agreement with Sean Hannity (of FNC's Hannity and Colmes) on last nights show. Not only did this leave the foulest, wretched taste in my mouth, and cause me to screw up my face as if I'd just caught a whiff of the rotting corpse of roadkill....it drove home my Spidey-sense that this port deal cannot be good.

Apparently, according to today's news (link below) the deal between the U.S. and the United Arab Emirates is temporarily on hold. Although, not specified for how long... and President Bush repeats his vow to veto any legislation put before him to block the transaction. So I guess it's just another dog and pony show in an attempt to appear as if this administration is actually considering anything Congress has to say. I can't believe people buy this crap that they sell.

I have more questions than answers.... okay, I have no answers. I'll re-visit this topic when I find some.

Peace out.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

Permission Schmermission

Before entering the local Target last week, I noticed a young man at a table...who's mission it was to get people leaving the store to sign a petition. I gathered from the tempra painted posters draping the sides of the table that it was for getting an initiative on the ballot requiring parental notification before a minor can receive an abortion. I could already feel the mixture of dread and, to be honest, a little anticipation for when I would be leaving the store.

I was a perfect target (pun not intended) for him. There I am, a middle-class, Lexus driving stay-at-home-mom, shopping with her toddler daughter at a Target Store located in Buck McKeon country, Santa Clarita. The only things missing were the "W'04" sticker on the window in my car and that glassy-eyed, glazed over look brought on by too much Botox and Prozac. Certainly, he would think, that I am the very person who would sign his petition, because, afterall...it's for the good of my daughter that I do.

While I shopped I tried to think of different things I would say, depending on what he would say to me first. I played scenario's around in my head because I just hate it when I miss the opportunity to say just the right thing in a situation...only to think of the perfect zinger later when it's way too late. I was right about being a target! As I exited the store he made a bee-line for me that was almost comical to watch. Especially stepping past and around a couple of people who probably would have been happy to sign his little petition that symbolizes eroding the rights of women everywhere when it comes to their bodies.

"Good afternoon!" he says to me.
"Hi there." he coo's to my daughter in a voice too high pitched for him.
"Would you take a moment to sign a petition that would require parental notification for minors seeking an abortion?" he asks eagerly, grinning from ear to ear... why, he was positively beaming!

I laugh. Not a good laugh. More like a "you've got to be fucking kidding me" and "you aren't serious" kind of laugh. A quick, short, and to the point kind of laugh. "No, I really don't think so", I stated matter of factly.

Then he did something I just hadn't anticipated. He thanked me for my time and walked back to his table. Damn! I wanted to let him know what I thought of it! I hadn't planned on this scenario. Shoot. Opportunity missed. Oh well...

There was a petition going around in front of another store about requiring lifetime electronic GPS devices for those who've been convicted of sexual assault. Perhaps I'll go visit them.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Journalistic Integrity

What has crawled up Bill O'Reilly's ass and died? Why does he hate liberal Hollywood so much? Does he feel threatened by them some how? He's a journalist (and I use that label incredibly loosely for him) no? Actors are entertainers, are they not? So there is no threat to his profession by them, is there? Completely different levels of media.

On a recent (2/20/06) segment of The Factor, O'Reilly stated, with regard to George Clooney, "I don't have any use for him. It disturbs me that he's so popular." Then labeled Clooney as "the darling of the left" (well, he's certainly MY darling). I assure you, O'Reilly didn't mean it as a compliment.

Isn't the Edward R. Murrow Award one of the most prestigous that one can receive for journalism? Wasn't it his pursuit for excellence in journalism that embodies that award? Isn't it coveted and sought after? Didn't he set a standard that journalists of today try to emulate (although often times falling short)?

Why, then, would Bill O'Reilly attempt to villify George Clooney? The man who took the time to write, direct, star in, and produce (not without his own sacrifices and bargaining) Good Night and Good Luck? A virtual "Ode to Edward R. Murrow". Wouldn't you think that Murrow would be considered a hero by O'Reilly and those like him? I've yet to hear O'Reilly give kudos to Clooney for a movie about a man that should be O'Reilly's hero.

So why the hate? Why the villification? Is it really that he hates liberal Hollywood THAT much? Perhaps it has more to do with the fact that, while Bill (with all his liver spots and splotchiness) has his viewers for The Factor, and people tune in to watch his hate filled bloviating.... Clooney has the world, and gets all the chicks!

My kudos to George Clooney for his passion for libarlism.

Fingers Crossed


Got the links section working. I'm amazed I figured it out at all! **patting own self on back**

I hope this works. I'm not computer savvy at all...

Obviously I've had some trouble with the "links" section since they aren't 'linking'. Certainly some kinks I need to work out (read 'educate myself on'). I may end up deleting this entire post and starting all over once I know what I'm doing... then everyone will think I DO know what I'm doing.

Patience. Peace out.